Lesson: 1152

Title: Create Market Pay Information

Description: small_logo


Process: Create Market Pay Information

Objective: Report Market Pay Information


Manage Compensation Create Market Pay Information



Class and Salary  Manager

Complete Market Pay Information

Define Geographical Areas


Define Market Pay Matrices

Define Salary Survey Mapping

Report Market Pay by Job Code

Class and Salary Analyst

Associate Market pay to Job Code

Load market Pay data from file


Complete Market Pay Survey


Report of Market Pay by Job Code

* Initiates process


Process Details

Class and Salary Manager decides if the Market Pay Survey is needed.  If the Market Pay Survey is needed, the Geographical areas will be defined by City, State and Country. These areas will be used to organize the Market Pay data. Next, define Market Pay Matrix definitions including inputs and outputs Market Pay Surveys. Then, Map market pay Matrix fields to existing Salary Survey fields.  After the Class and Salary Analyst loads the Market Pay data from the file, the Class and Salary Manager runs the effective-dated report to display all the market Pay definitions associated with a particular Job Code.  If the Market Survey is not needed, the process starts with defining the Market Pay matrix definitions and continues with the same steps, if the Market Pay Survey was needed.


Class and Salary Analyst associates Market Pay matrices to specific Job Codes and loads Market Pay data from files to overwrite existing data or add new data.


Description: \\courtshare\DavWWWRoot\sites\gearshcm\Shared Documents\6. Train\Concepts\WS01_Concepts\WS01_BPM\ Create Market Pay Information.png



Process Exceptions and Errors: TBD (here we include any errors users may encounter)


Knowledge and Skill Level: Each role has a certain level of responsibility in the process. Employees should aim at understanding the processes per their role and become skillful in applying their knowledge to complete transactions efficiently and with minimal errors. To guide you in understanding what your level of knowledge and skill to aim for based on your role refer to the table below. Also, below, is a table with descriptions for each level.


Manage Compensation

1 = Fundamental

2 = Intermediate

Create Market Pay Information

3 = Comprehensive


Knowledge and Skill Level

Class and Salary Analyst


Class and Salary Manager







Fundamental – high-level understanding of process, basic ability to do tasks in CONNECT with some or no support, and may refer to a liaison for assistance.


Intermediate – full understanding of their individual role functions within a process and is proficient enough to operate effectively under minimal assistance. Has understanding of previous process tasks performed and the impact downstream.


Comprehensive – full understanding of process, related roles, activities and tasks performed to complete the process. Comprehensive ability of role functions within the process with no assistance. Ability to perform other tasks related to other roles within the process.